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Stereolab - Oscillons from the Anti-Sun (2005)

Track listing:
  1. Fluorescences
  2. Allures
  3. Fruition
  4. Wow and Flutter
  5. With Friends Like These
  6. Pinball
  7. Spinal Column
  8. Ping Pong - unreleased LP version
  9. Golden Ball
  10. Cybele's Reverie
  11. Nihilist Assault Group [parts 1,2,3]
  12. Off On
  13. Jenny Ondioline
  14. Young Lungs
  15. Escape Pod [From the World of Medical Observations]
  16. Moodles
  17. You Used to Call Me Sadness
  18. Captain Easychord
  19. Les Aimies
  20. French Disco
  21. Transona Five [live]
  22. Moogie Wonderland
  23. Canned Candies
  24. Narco Martenot
  25. The Noise of Carpet
  26. The Free Design
  27. Les Yper Yper Sound
  28. Pain Et Spectacles
  29. Ping Pong
  30. Long Life Love
  31. Jenny Ondioline - Alternate version
  32. Heavy Denim
  33. Brigitte
  34. Miss Modular
  35. Soop Groove #1