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Angelo Michajlov - Karel Vlach Orchestra - Saxana: The Girl on a Broomstick (2011)

Track listing:
  1. Dívka Na KosTěti
  2. "Dexem Po Multo Shumpoplex" *
  3. Telescopicas Humerus
  4. Petramorphosis
  5. Algebraic Airbrush
  6. "Suxo Plexo Muxo" *
  7. A Pretty Kettle Of Fish
  8. A Chicken In Form 9
  9. Vladimír's Secret Service
  10. Rats And Rodents
  11. The Wisdom Teeth?
  12. Ridiculous Cuniculus
  13. Twenty Past Two
  14. An Open Window
  15. "Dexem Po Krumplex" *
  16. Saxana (Sung by Petra Černocká)
  17. A Rabbit In Cage 6
  18. A Visit From The Heavies
  19. The 300 Year Itch
  20. Hex F.X. *
  21. A Good Honest Looney House
  22. Hide And Sheikh
  23. Haxipola's Trip
  24. "Rudexa Ux Velorex" *
  25. Expedit - A Dragon With Two Heads
  26. The Magic In A Single Rose (Sung byPetra Černocká)
  27. Saxana (Original Czech 45 single version) BONUS TRACK