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Alan Lomax - Caribbean Voyage: Carriacou Calaloo (1999)

Track listing:
  1. I Want To Hear Somebody Pray - Edith Hector
  2. Plewe Mwe Lide - Sugar Adams
  3. Cromanti Cudjo - Willie Joseph
  4. Anancy-O Sari Baba - Jemina Joseph
  5. Oko - May Fortune
  6. Temne Woman-O - Jemina Joseph
  7. Hausa Wele - May Fortune
  8. Blow The Man Down - Daniel Aikens
  9. Le Pwezon Didan La Me - Charlie Bristo
  10. Six Figure Quadrille - Canute Caliste/Sonnel Allert/Gorine Joseph/Willie Alexander
  11. Six Figure Quadrille - Canute Caliste/Sonnel Allert/Gorine Joseph/Willie Alexander
  12. Six Figure Quadrille - Canute Caliste/Sonnel Allert/Gorine Joseph/Willie Alexander
  13. Six Figure Quadrille - Canute Caliste/Sonnel Allert/Gorine Joseph/Willie Alexander
  14. Six Figure Quadrille - Canute Caliste/Sonnel Allert/Gorine Joseph/Willie Alexander
  15. Six Figure Quadrille - Canute Caliste/Sonnel Allert/Gorine Joseph/Willie Alexander
  16. Jodi Samdi - Newton Joseph
  17. For My Own Money - Margaret Henry
  18. I'm Rocking My Baby To Sleep - Virginia Joseph
  19. Wila-Wila-Mena - Conrad James
  20. Labour Party - Margaret Henry
  21. Explanation Of Pass-Play - Interview
  22. Vio Viole - Sweet Honey Duncan
  23. Yankee Man Comin' Everyday - Sweet Honey Duncan
  24. Mary And Martha - Beatrice Dick
  25. Wila-Wila-Mena - Canute Caliste/Sonnel Allert/Gorine Joseph/Willie Alexander
  26. Reel Engage - Conrad James
  27. Reel Engage - Canute Caliste/Sonnel Allert/Gorine Joseph/Willie Alexander
  28. Long Time Ago, (Ceasar Boys) - Charlie Bristol
  29. Igbo Le Le - Unknown Female Lead Vocal
  30. One Night As I Was Walking - Joseph Jerome
  31. Hush Baby Hush - Tida Lazarus