- # 5081
- Mint Records
- Format: CD
- Duration: 0:00
Pillow Queen - Cub
Get Outta Dodge - Huevos Rancheros
You're Too Cool - Gob
To Serve, Protect, & Entertain - The Smugglers
Wank - Maow
Slow Down - Duotang
Dumb Little Band - The Mr. T Experience
Main and Broadway - Cub
I Want You Back Baby - Gob
Pillow Talk - Pansy Division
New York City - Cub
She Ain't No Egyptian - The Smugglers
Punk Pt. II - The Groovie Ghoulies
Ms. Lefevre - Maow
Follower of Obvious Voices - Duotang
Whiteout in Wyoming - Huevos Rancheros
Exit - Cub
Barkerville - The Smugglers
Go Fish - Cub
J'Ai Faim - Maow