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Various Artists - Boompa, Vol. 1 (2004)

Track listing:
  1. Alexander - Sekiden
  2. This Could Take Forever - Kiddo
  3. Jacques and Madeleine - Run Chico Run
  4. Whodini - Billy + The Lost Boys
  5. Dropkick Queen of the Weekend - The Dudes
  6. Rip the Universe - Reverie Sound Revue
  7. Mountain on Mountain - Sparrow
  8. House Arrest - The Dirtmitts
  9. Stay - The Ladies and Gentlemen
  10. Non-Revival Alarm - Circlesquare
  11. Follow You Down - Kevin Kane
  12. Don't Think - Natasha Thirsk
  13. Midweek Midmorning - The Lucksmiths
  14. Time You Have Been Wasting - Salteens