- # 16353
- Omnium
- Format: CD
- Duration: 0:00
Queen & Tequila - The Mahones
Drunken Lazy Bastard - The Mahones
July Morning - Greenland Whalefishers
One For The Road - The Skels
Streams Of Whiskey - The Skels
The Kilfinane Parish - Siobhan
Angelina - Nogoodnix
Set In My Ways - Nogoodnix
Wasted Years - Big Black Cadillac
The Holloway Hooley/Shite'n'Onions - Neck
The Star Of The Country Down (Busta Hollywood Mix) - Neck
Killiecranked Up - The Electrics
Bucharest - Blood Or Whiskey
Your Majesty - Blood Or Whiskey
Never Say Never - Bates Motel
Dicey Riley - The Tossers
Monday Morning - The Tossers
The Town That I Loved So Well - The Devil's Advocates
Iron Lady - The Spunk Lads
Stoneybatter Me - The Steam Pig
The Wise Old Men Of Dominick Street - The Steam Pig
(Young) Ned Of The Hill - Croppies