Les Jupes – Negative Space


Coming from Winnipeg, these guys seem to have a very specific type of music they enjoy jamming to. The singer, Michael P. Falk, also has a very distinct voice. Negative Space is composed of four songs, all of which hit the right spot. I found that the first song had a really unique sound to it, with Falk sang many different notes throughout the track. The song “Save Your Friends,” with its clear lyrics makes you think about arguments with you’ve had with friends, makes you want to make amends. Each track has their own specific sound and flow, as well as meeting the genre of music the band plays. The band members may have a science background, since it appears they make many references to space and chemistry. A quote from their Facebook page, “Electrons. Crashing into other electrons.” The EP has a definite feel good vibe to it. I found that the group has a very nice mixture between the two genres of rock and indie music. It makes you feel peace of mind. All in all these guys do a great job playing together and seem to have good chemistry. (Head in the Sand, lesjupes.bandcamp.com) Jeff Chochinov

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