Contact / About

If you are interested in contributing to Stylus, please email or call us. We’re always looking for new writers, photographers, and artists to beef up our pages.

Do you know what shows or art openings you’re going to see this weekend? Awesome, let us know and you can go cover them. Are you not sure of what’s going on in the city? That’s cool too. Drop us a line and we can assign you something. Do you want to see your art in Stylus? We’re always looking for new banners for our blog, and illustrations for our mag. Drop us a line for specs and/or assignments.

Send all correspondence, promo materials, and media for review to:

Stylus Magazine

Bulman Student Centre
University of Winnipeg
515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3B 2E9

Office phone: (204) 786-9785
Office fax: (204) 783-7080



Direct all inquiries regarding advertising and sponsorship to:

Keeley Braunstein-Black –

Distribution by Doug & Billie!

Printed by JRS Print Services – (204) 232-3558

Stylus is a blog and a magazine that is published bi-monthly by the University of Winnipeg Students’ Association, with a circulation of 2,000. Stylus serves as the program guide to 95.9FM CKUW and will reflect the many musical communities it supports within Winnipeg and beyond. Stylus strives to provide coverage of music that is not normally written about in the mainstream media. Stylus acts as a vehicle for the work of new writers, photographers and artists, including members of the University of Winnipeg, of CKUW and of the Winnipeg community at large. Stylus reserves the right to refuse to print material, specifically, that is of a racist, homophobic or sexist nature. All submissions may be edited and become the property of Stylus. All opinions expressed in Stylus are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors. Contributions in the form of articles, reviews, letters, photos and graphics are welcome and should be sent with contact information to the above address.