Review: Jets Overhead – No Nations

No Nations

Jets-OverheadJets Overhead are a band that would have fit in perfectly in the mid-1990s. Their sound, very much influenced by the Verve and Radiohead circa The Bends, was seemingly tailor-made to be included in film and television from around that time. That is not to say that they are a bad band; not by a long shot. Their sophomore album continues in the same direction—guitar-driven alternative rock that has an ethereal, dreamlike quality to it. Each track on the album has something that makes it stand out from the rest of the album. There is not one song on this album that could be classed as filler. Adam Kittredge’s vocals give the album a melancholy vibe. Jets Overhead are able to pay respect to their influences from past decades, while still making an original album that is relevant and enjoyable to today’s crop of listeners. Key tracks include “Heading for Nowhere,” “I Should Be Born” and “It’s a Funny Thing.” (Vapor Records, Charles Lefebvre