BROTHERS – These Limbs; Our Firewood

I had totally forgotten about music like this somewhere between my copies of At The Drive-In, Japandroids, Pretty Girls Make Graves and Fugazi, but Brothers Nick and Drex Serduletz make awesome heart-on-the-sleeve/clinical post-punk/emo which I have a tough time feeling any bit guilty about. The songs off These Limbs; Our Firewood are remarkably clean, yet that draws even more attention to their intricate technique like ghost beats and tasteful palm-mutes. Nick’s lyrics are full of personal experiences (“November twenty-second, 2006 / I remember it like yesterday”) odd turns of phrases (“I’m the receiver of bullshit threats / So sick of no man’s land”), and abstract, hard hitting images (“O endless years I’ve endured this guild / Endless jeers over spilled milk”). The words fly by rather quickly with the multiple movements in each song, making repeated listens worth finding this disc. (Independent, Taylor Burgess

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