Sienna Dahlen – Verglas


Dahlen chose the word “verglas,” meaning “ice rain,” as the title for a record meant to invoke images of moments frozen in time. While the record has the haunting beauty often found in winter panoramas, the overall tone is actually quite warm. There is fluidity to the music that makes one think of a soothing, gentle rain, rather than living things locked in ice. The opening number, “Jaded Heart,” is a subdued introduction that contains a subtle momentum like a drive on a prairie highway on a warm summer’s eve.

The music is comprised of a successful combination of jazz, folk, blues, even some hints of rockabilly; the track “Stray” is an excellent example of musical hybridism done right. Dahlen’s voice, singing in both English and French, is the centerpiece of the record. The backing band does an admirable job of creating worlds for Dahlen’s voice to reside and grow and dream within. Her voice is like gentle waves caressing distant shores, bathed in the fading light of the sun. The highlight of the record is the title track; an odyssey that draws you in and before you know it has unleashed an emotional climax that will leave you drained in the best possible way. (Justin Time, Myke Lewis

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