Instead of boring you with the standard-issue disc review usually presented here, and since this new, long-awaited Archie Bronson Outfit album is just so darn entertaining, I have chosen to break down my thoughts into easily digestible chunks. Let us know your thoughts in the usual fashion. This will give allow you to get back to texting quicker.
• The grinding sonic plunge of opening track “Magnetic Warrior” is just that.
• Classic Echo and the Bunnymen pop meet Jesus and Mary Chain danger-fuzz.
• Interesting, clank arrangements that marry a somewhat jarring intensity with nervous beats and hazy vocals yelping rather preposterous lyrics.
• “Wild Strawberries” = echoed menace roiling… high note bass smacks!
• A dissonance of sound that skirts the danger zone between pop and distorted, angry indie-rock.
• “Chuck” is Echo and the B’men for a new generation, chock full of single note guitar and blind bass pulsation designed to stick in your memory.
• Fans of the older school will cherish the herky twitch of the ABO’ style
• The only quasi-ballad in the set is called “Hunt You Down.” Love as an attack.
(Domino, Jeff Monk