Complete rock ’n’ roll, is that a genre? Even if it doesn’t exist yet it should apply to Lecherous Gaze’s robust and bodacious self-titled release. Born out of the punk group Annihilation Time, Lecherous Gaze is a new Oakland creation that, with their first release for Tee Pee Records, has created the love child of modern material and ’70s hair metal sounds. Featuring raunchy guitar and bass riffs, and exhilarating fast-paced drumming from Graham Clise, Chris Grande and Noel Sullivan respectively, the instruments are excellently complimented by Lakis Panagiotopulos’s smooth and raspy vocals with low intensity and catchy lyrics. These elements might just have this album “sold on you!” Unfortunately, there is only about fifteen minutes of music making up four songs, so this quickie may not leave you fully satisfied, but at least you’ll be lusting for more! (Tee Pee Records, lecherousgaze.com) Jesse Blackman