Vancouverite Jordan Klassen’s latest album Repentance, is his first full length. It follows last year’s EP, Kindness. Klassen’s voice is sweet and warm; songs are harmonious and poetic. Repentance has diverse range of instruments, featuring everything from Glockenspiels to ukuleles. His lyrics are well-crafted, poetic and create vivid stories. “Strengthen Me With Raisins” is an outstanding track, showing off all of the above and truly telling a story of a lover coming to visit. While Klassen’s falsetto and sweet lyrics could very easily come off as twee or cutesy, this just isn’t the case and his voice is strong, the lyrics tell a story. While some of the songs are a little strange — see “One Thousand Parasailors,” which doesn’t actually have any words, for example — but sounds like what I imagine a very friendly chorus of a thousand parasailors would sound like. Overall, Repentance is thoroughly enjoyable. (Nevado Records, Martyna Turczynowicz