Viet Cong – Viet Cong

Viet VOng

Now here’s a name I’ve heard before but never actually listened to the music. I know, my bad.So let’s throw a hypothetical situation on the table. Let’s say that you are lost. You’re lost outside in the middle of the woods, in the middle of winter. There is no hope that you will find your way in the foreseeable future. You’re not mad or sad, you’ve hit a point where you’re living second to second and all that matters is that you take the next step forward, repeat. Night comes and you put forth an extra second of thought to know you must settle for the night. You find a cave, you enter it. The cave is small in every way. It’s probably the safest place to be from animals and wind until the sun returns. You sleep, unsure of the future. Morning comes. The sun shines down across your face through the cave cracks and you hear footsteps. A hunter finds you and you are rescued. While you nurse your frostbite you tell the hunter about how you just experienced the worst couple days of your life. But once you’re healed and back to your regular routine, you remember it differently. You remember this life changing experience that shaped how you view the world. And when you remember it like this, this album plays in your head. (Jagajaguwar, Kaitlyn Emslie Farrell