by Jakob Sheppard
I was fortunate enough to ask Robyn of Only a Visitor a few questions about their newest full-length LP, Decay, an indie pop album with “themes of the passage of time, connection, memory, and the possibility of regeneration that is inherent in the process of decay.”
The intro track “What Does Waiting Mean” kicks off the album with a groovy baseline. It sets the mood of the album perfectly. The poppy sound of the track demonstrates the theme perfectly. Robyn named this their favourite track “because it exemplifies the band’s style really well.”
“I started writing the album during the early months of the pandemic while I was learning how to make recordings on my own in a DAW. It was written in the quiet moments of isolation that were so characteristic of that time.”
The whole album just has a really chill vibe to it, which makes for a relaxing listen. “All You’ve Held Since” is another standout song for me. The lyrical flows combined with the keyboard playing, which sounds great, especially when the drums come in the latter half.
The following track, “Understand Nothing,” features awesome background vocals almost akin to a hymn.
The whole is very cohesive; each track flows together extremely well, to the point where it’s sometimes hard to tell when one song ends and another begins.
The closing track, “It’s Like Looking Down,” is a sombre conclusion, with a slow, drawn-out piano that perfectly captures the mood.
Overall, Decay was a joy to listen to, front to back, and I look forward to more releases from the group in the future.