Laura Warholic is Merv Glisten of Angels in America. Warholic’s definitely got its own vibe, but AiA’s Moppy makes a vocal appearance on here too. These two can’t stop soundtracking the end of the world, and it almost makes you hope the end never does come so you can just exist and listen to the sounds of doom coming down on the trailer park forever. This is pure American lo-fi: this is someone taking your old Shrimper cassettes out back and pumping them full of evil. Tapes are sold out, so just search it on Free Music Archive. Long live Moppy & Merv. (Faux-Pas Recordings, Kristel Jax
Laura Warholic – What Comes Before the Word??
Laura Warholic is Merv Glisten of Angels in America. Warholic’s definitely got its own vibe, but AiA’s Moppy makes a vocal appearance on here too. These two can’t stop soundtracking the end of the world, and it almost makes you hope the end never does come so you can just exist and listen to the sounds of doom coming down on the trailer park forever. This is pure American lo-fi: this is someone taking your old Shrimper cassettes out back and pumping them full of evil. Tapes are sold out, so just search it on Free Music Archive. Long live Moppy & Merv. (Faux-Pas Recordings, Kristel Jax