Sometime in October, Winnipeg-based electro-shoegazer Glass Random quietly released a collection of songs called Tell Them About The Moon. The release is 45 minutes long, and is out via a Russian cassette label Singapore Sling Tapes. This is Glass Random’s second release, following the brief and charming In Some Night, and it expands upon similar themes. Glass Random’s Dave Shaw sings songs about death, love, and outer space, with a deep and reverb-heavy baritone. On album highlight “I’m A Criminal,” he croons cryptic lines like “I never bleed, I just tape over the seams,” with the affectation of a man actively trying to hide himself behind a lo-fi wall of sounds and emotion. The album is split into two distinct halves, the first is packed with upbeat dance songs (including pseudo-anthem for a lost generation “Gin and Flowers,” which bleakly observes “All I need is gin and flowers, keeps me happy, keeps me pretty”), and the second half melts into guitar driven chill-out jams, which Shaw jokingly refers to on Glass Random’s Facebook page as “Sandal-Gaze.” It’s a fitting descriptor, as songs like “Bruise Vilanch” perfectly capture the haunting atmospherics of bands like Slowdive or Wild Nothing, while also conveying a sunny and beach-ready disposition. Each song on “Tell Them About The Moon” finds Shaw pulling his songwriting in different directions, keeping the sound interesting and charmingly unfocused, while always sounding like himself. (Singapore Sling Tapes, Cody Detsyk