Hillbilly Highway – Scott Nolan live at the Park Theatre

by Sheldon Birnie

Scott Nolan could be to Manitoba what Guy Clark is to Texas. A songwriter’s songwriter with an attention to the minutia of everyday life; drawing from a vast, detailed knowledge of all those who’ve walked the line before him; capable of delivering a heartbreaking line followed easily by a knee-slapper the next. Continue reading “Hillbilly Highway – Scott Nolan live at the Park Theatre”


If you hadn’t noticed, we at Stylus like to get out, go to shows, and sometimes even take pics for you wonderful readers.
Now that the year is done, as is the tradition, a handful of our writers picked their favourites, and some even wrote about their very favourites. This is our way to let you know what’s been hip in the indie world, big arena world, and which holes-in-the-walls we’re frequenting, but this is all subjective of course and you’re always more than welcome to volunteer for Stylus yourself.
Stay tuned tomorrow for everybody’s top albums!

Continue reading “STYLUS’ FAV SHOWS of 2011”

The Magnificent 7s – Making Friends and Getting Mean across the Continent

illustration: Natalie Baird
By Sheldon Birnie

Winnipeg’s Magnificent 7s are a hard traveling, hard rocking bluegrass band. Preparing to release their sophomore album for local imprint Transistor 66, Matt Magura and Andy Bart recently sat down with Stylus to chat about All Kinds of Mean over a couple pitchers of Two Rivers. Continue reading “The Magnificent 7s – Making Friends and Getting Mean across the Continent”

Austra + Young Galaxy + Tasseomancy // 11-24-11 // LIVE @ WECC

Austra @ WECC
Photo by Andrew Mazurak at the WECC in Winnipeg.

By Andrew Mazurak

Toronto’s Austra came to town in late November expecting colder weather than that which welcomed them. Despite our less than wintery wonderland of a city being unseasonably warm, the WECC warmed up damn quick as the sold out crowd danced their asses off for opener Young Galaxy who just came through town a few months earlier with Junior Boys:

Continue reading “Austra + Young Galaxy + Tasseomancy // 11-24-11 // LIVE @ WECC”