Album Review :: Paige Drobot :: The Psychics Album

album cover of Paige Drobot older woman in a yellow checker dress stands on the side of a country road or highway gesturing at a large metal eyeball looking thing

by Mykhailo Vil’yamson

The first full-length album by Paige Drobot is a veritable time machine, but not only because of its largely 70s-inspired aesthetic. She definitely took her time on this one, as all of the songs on the project first came into existence many years ago with her band, The Psychics. In fact, all of the songs on The Psychics–except for “Each Another’s Creation”–can be found on the 2016 release Live at the Graffiti Gallery, which was captured on the fourth anniversary of the original band’s formation, bringing us all the way back to 2012.

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