Gwar – Ready to Destroy Winnipeg

by Gil Caroll

Intergalactic metal warriors Gwar have been ruthlessly pummeling audiences here on Earth for years now. The band and fans grieved the tragic falling of long-time guitar player Flattus Maximus in 2011, but now Gwar is ready to destroy Winnipeg once again on their “Fate or Chaos” tour. In preparation for this travelling gore show, Stylus caught up with Gwar vocalist Oderus Urungus at the band’s Antarctic HQ for a revealing telephone interview. Continue reading “Gwar – Ready to Destroy Winnipeg”

Dean Murdoch & Nightseeker :: Giv’r till it hurts

by Sheldon Birnie

Dean Murdoch (aka Paul Spence) is one of the deadliest dudes to ever pick up a bass guitar, shotgun a Pilsner, and just fuckin’ giv’r shit. Made (in)famous by his role in Fubar and Fubar 2: Balls to the Wall, Deaner has since moved on from the Mac and kept his heavy metal band Nighseeker rocking from coast to coast. The Deaner and Nightseeker are hitting Winnipeg and Brandon on October 25 and 26. Gettin’ ready to giv’r, Stylus caught up with the Deaner, over the phone, as he was finishing a bag of chips earlier this week. Here’s how our conversation went down.
[Editor’s Note: The following post is probably NSFW, and certainly contains deadly references to partying hard and giv’n’r to the fuckin’ max. You have been warned.]