When I met Alexandra Sauser-Monnig and Amelia Meath behind Little Stage on the Prairie, Alexandra was writing down the lyrics to a Charlie Feathers song, and they both excused Molly Sarle, who was off relaxing on a magnetized mat. So the three of us went for a short walk away from the festival, mostly talking about fantasy novels and science fiction.
Stylus: In your career, how long have you been touring for?
Alexandra Sauser-Monnig: We started two years ago, but we’re not one of those bands that tours six months of the year.
Stylus: And how long were you playing shows for before you started touring?
Amelia Meath: I think we had three shows before we started touring. I booked an east coast tour for us—two weeks long. It was really hard, but we did it. We toured in my Prius.
ASM: We played a show in a field, we played a show in a weird coffee shop, we played in houses and backyards and porches and all sorts. For our friends, mostly.
Stylus: And what keeps you grounded while touring? Continue reading “Two Women of Mountain Man: Winnipeg Folk Festival Day 4”