Paris Suit Yourself – My Main Shitstain

Well honestly, the title says most of it. This album is a pretty large shit stain, but cleans itself up quite nicely. It is one of those albums that when seen in a record store, you can’t even think of ever taking it seriously after reading their name and ever buying it.  Even the cover is boring, but slightly cool! My first listen, I could not put my finger on how to classify this band, because their music is just so fucked up and confusing, but after a second round, I started to understand the craziness this album beheld.  The first song gives a large tribal feel with the beginning beat, but then you are thrown off track with strange tribal vocals, but then in relief, there is a synth playing beautiful chords in the background. But do I like it? That was the question I had to ask myself again and again.  I guess it’s safe to say that PSY has made their own unique sound containing rebellious punk, tribal, rock, and alt techno with some selection of French vocals here and there. I had to admit, one song, “Decadense”  was stuck in my head for some time. If you’re into really intense music that’s full of life and confusion, Paris Suit Yourself’s My Main Shitstain could be something to look into. (Big Dada Nicholas Van Doeselaar