How refreshing… these bands both cause cascading organ failure from the first blast to the last, and there is very little in the way of letup between. Extremely vicious goregrind, catchy riffs, fucking crazy fast, and as caustic as a condom stuffed with lye exploding in your gut on a trans-Atlantic flight. Both of these bands share members, with the exception being the vocalist in each, but you would not know that by listening. They both have their own take on auditory punishment, AKP being more riff-oriented and AR as being more unhinged in their approach, but both bands are stunningly heavy and completely dominating. This is also striking for the fact that it destroys typical goregrind’s tired dependence on porn-related imagery and lyrical content, instead focusing its efforts on delivering a mental IED of hatred for the human race, and fantastical tales of the fifth dimension and hidden parallel universes. I have not been floored like this since the last Wormed EP. Fans of all things considered to be unapologetically devastating (ie. Human Mincer) need to hear this and take notes. Be prepared to devote some time to collecting your wilted offal off the floor afterwards. (Sevared Records, sevared.com) Brad Skibinsky