by Gabriel Fars
Tin-Eared typically means someone who is insensitive to or lacks the ability to appreciate or make good judgments about music. But I can tell you that Tin-Ear is anything except that.
This is exactly the type of music you would expect to come out of Prince Edward Island. If you want to listen to something absolutely jazztastic, or music that tastes positively scrumdiddlyumptious, Cadastral Maps is it.
It feels as though, throughout the album, there’s a bit of a journey there. It’s almost as though the lead singer is trying to tell us a story through their lyrics. I think it makes you feel more connected to what they’re trying to say with the music. It makes you want to listen in closer and carefully decipher what they’re trying to say throughout the songs.
“Fling Straw Man” is a track that reminds me of those soft and sweet parts of my childhood. Knowing that it’s over now but looking back sweetly at the memories.
The lyrics and track of “Star Song” solidify the magical and almost fantasy-like themes of the album. Especially with all that talk about dragons. The whole album is a journey, and Tin-Ear is just trying to help guide you through it and trying to show you where to go. Cadastral Maps is that perfect blend between fantasy-like and child lofi focus type of music. It’s calming but not boring, which is exactly the type of music I’m looking for.