Album Review :: KAINA :: Next To The Sun

by Grace Hrabi

Next To The Sun, the latest release from Chicago-based musician KAINA (pronounced Kah-e-na), is an exploration into the struggles the artist has faced growing up as a first-generation Latina, born and raised in the United States. Her Venezuelan and Guatemalan background influences not only her musical styles but also her lyrics, which are honest and hopeful, keeping the listener open to the reality of her life experience throughout.

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Winnipeg State of Mind – Top 100 Winnipeg Hip-Hop Songs

by Nigel Webber

“Success is a gift, I hope you enjoy your present” – B-Flat

    Earlier this year a group of writers from Manitoba’s most prominent newspaper compiled a list of the best songs to ever come out of this city and province. Of the 150 songs those writers chose, only five were rap songs. Winnipeg hip-hop deserves more than just 3% of a list. We deserve our own fucking list: The Top 100 Winnipeg Hip-Hop Songs, according to myself alone.

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Album Review :: Slow Spirit :: Nowhere No One Knows Where to Find You

by Myles Tiessen

With Nowhere No One Knows Where to Find You, Slow Spirit continues to push traditional rock boundaries. The band’s utilization of an electronic sound gives depth to the production, all while keeping it refreshing and compelling. Punchy drums anchor most of the songs, which see jazz-like instrumentation built on top. The effervescence of Natalie Bohrn’s rich alto vocals bounces around, blessing the chaotic instrumentation. 

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Artist Feature :: Osani Balkaran

by Isabella Soares

Music can have different meanings to different people. It can be the soundtrack to a memorable moment, a form of displaying feelings that are kept within, and the opportunity to share thoughts that must be heard and advocated for in this world. To local artist, Osani Balkaran (sometimes known as The O.B.) creating music was a systematic process that resulted in healing, transformation, and an unimaginable freedom. Stylus Magazine had the chance to speak with him about his evolving career, the meaning behind his authentic sound, and catch a glimpse of his creative progression.

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Isolation and Live Music Update

by Ryan Haughey

A few months ago, we interviewed Winnipeg artist Rayannah about her experience in isolation. We got to catch up with Rayannah again after she returned to the stage at the West End Cultural Centre for their ‘Bring Your Own Mic’ concert series. The series is ticketed partially for in-person experiences and for online experiences, a method that supports artists in a great new way.

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Winnipeg State of Mind :: Black Lives Matter

by Nigel Webber

“There could never be justice on stolen land” – KRS One

I immediately thought of that scene from “Network.” “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take this anymore!” It feels like the whole world is there right now. As it should be. But there was another, less quoted, line from that same monologue which stood out, “I’m a human being, goddammit, my life has value!” 

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Album Review :: Paige Drobot :: Woman / Everything


by Zoë LeBrun

Woman / Everything, the latest release from local musician Paige Drobot, is everything that your summer playlist needs. Drobot takes rock and roll and turns it on its head, offering a completely unique perspective on the genre with tidbits of jazz peppered throughout her work. Much like its album artwork, Woman / Everything feels and sounds ethereal, taking you to a distant place and working its way into your mind where it stays for hours after listening to it. 

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