Bridging the Styx :: Music collective Styx City Cult talk Greek mythology, supporting local artists and creating a platform for the weird kids

styxcitycult. From left to right: 10kay, DIEmond, Phre$h Prince, lilnappyboi, STMBLZ, Ivan Silk, Yung Romello, drinkbleachh, Jesse Meush, SpaghKing, Thatcher Robinson and Yung Emerald. Not pictured: Postwar, Shea and TRRM.

Photos by Graeme  Houssin and J. De Castro

Words by Graeme Houssin

When rapper SpaghKing entered the Winnipeg scene, he found a city divided. Harsh lines separated genres, and “old hip hop heads” dominated the rap scene as arbiters of taste, only booking artists that conformed to their ideas of what rap could and must be. Continue reading “Bridging the Styx :: Music collective Styx City Cult talk Greek mythology, supporting local artists and creating a platform for the weird kids”

EP Review :: Slow Spirit :: Idle

by Chris Bryson

Two tracks juxtaposed with equal time to expand within the aural space of the mind. Idle it’s called, but idle it’s not. Slow Spirit’s follow-up EP to last year’s Unnatured finds the band returning with all the elements of their sound more finely tuned than ever, showcasing once again their knack for cohesive sonic diversity, while still pulling at emotions every note along the way. Continue reading “EP Review :: Slow Spirit :: Idle”


by Chris Bryson

After years playing in bands like Slow Spirit, Odana, Somebody Language and under his own name, Brady Allard’s newest project, Warming, lives up to its own name. Allard will be playing his first show as Warming at the Handsome Daughter on February 17th. The first single from Warming’s eponymous debut album, “White Lies”, was released on January 23rd in anticipation of the show. Continue reading “Warming”

Birthday Tapes :: Birthday Wishes Vol. 2 :: Review

by Kaitlyn Emslie Farrell

Birthday Tapes have announced their second compilation album appropriately titled Birthday Wishes Vol. 2. Featuring Seventeen artists, many of whom are local, Birthday Wishes Vol. 2 provides a wide range of steady pop and shoegaze. This is a mellow album, there’s no way around that. So if you’re looking for something to pump you up, try another route. If you’re looking for a soothing array of blended melodies, electronic tones, and whispered vocals, then slap this in your tape deck. Continue reading “Birthday Tapes :: Birthday Wishes Vol. 2 :: Review”

Bill Frisell

By Phil Enns

Bill Frisell. Perhaps you’ve heard the name before. And yet there’s just as good a chance that you haven’t. For the past 35 years or so, Frisell has been quietly building a legendary career for himself. He has collaborated with an increasingly diverse roster of artists, including Norah Jones, Emmylou Harris, and Paul Simon (to name but a few). In recent years, his music has been described as hearkening back to classic Americana. And while it is true that he has dived headlong, at times, into folk and country music, he is still a jazz guitarist at heart. Continue reading “Bill Frisell”

Keith Price :: Double Quartet to perform Live on the Rooftop

photo by Lindsey Bond

by Phil Enns

For Jazz Winnipeg’s Nu Sounds series last year, local jazz guitarist Keith Price organized a Double Quartet to re-envision Ennio Morricone’s landmark soundtrack for The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly in the style of Miles Davis’ late 60s-early 70s “electric period” (the full soundtrack, accompanied by scenes from the film, can be heard on Youtube). This year, Price’s Double Quartet is set to perform at the Winnipeg Art Gallery’s Live on the Rooftop series on July 3. Stylus sat down with Keith to discuss his past work, what currently inspires him, as well as his unique approach to jazz and composition. Continue reading “Keith Price :: Double Quartet to perform Live on the Rooftop”