Live show review : Warming, Soup, Dana Lee


Photo by Eric Roberts

Words by Ryan Haughey

The cold wind subsided and soothed the air in Winnipeg on the evening of February 17, but the weather wasn’t the only thing warming up. Brady Allard’s new project, Warming, played their first set on that Saturday evening. The lineup at the Handsome Daughter included two other groups: SOUP and Dana Lee. Each group brought fresh new music to the audience, which left us excited to see what was next to come. Continue reading “Live show review : Warming, Soup, Dana Lee”


by Chris Bryson

After years playing in bands like Slow Spirit, Odana, Somebody Language and under his own name, Brady Allard’s newest project, Warming, lives up to its own name. Allard will be playing his first show as Warming at the Handsome Daughter on February 17th. The first single from Warming’s eponymous debut album, “White Lies”, was released on January 23rd in anticipation of the show. Continue reading “Warming”