Album Review :: Weather Station :: How Is It That I Should Look at the Stars

by Paul Newsom

Toronto singer-songwriter Tamara Lindeman returns with an equally deft and personal album as her group’s prior efforts. The Weather Station’s previous forays into bluegrass, pop, folk and jazz shine through in turn on her newest record, whose musical tone meets the album cover’s dense-dark-hopeful vibe.

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Album Review :: The Bros. Landreth :: Come Morning

by Keeley Braunstein-Black

The Bros. Landreth are back and have done it again. Joey and Dave Landreth’s new album, released May 13, comes with a run time of just under 40 minutes. Come Morning is chalked full of emotion and harmony-heavy soulfulness. Tackling difficult emotional themes, Come Morning is about balance, fatherhood, priorities, emotional healing, hard truths, new beginnings, and change.

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Album Review :: Richard Inman :: Come Back Through

by Noah Cain

Richard Inman’s new album, Come Back Through, is narrated by desperate cowboys, gamblers, and lovers at the edge of what’s bearable. They stare down mistake-filled pasts, debt-ridden presents, and overwhelming futures, struggling with the question of hope. Recorded over a weekend, it is sonically unified and organic. You can feel the magic of that specific time and place as Inman’s baritone rises above classic country chord patterns and instrumentation. As with all of Inman’s work, the storytelling takes center stage.

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