by Sheldon Birnie
Original review of How to Clean Everything by assistant editor Elizabeth Bridge, from Stylus, vol 5. no. 1, September 1993. The issue also included reviews of Malefaction’s Bruised, Grand Theft Canoe’s Bolivia + Argentina = Paraguay, and NomeansNo’s Why Do They Call Me Mr. Happy? as well as features on Eric’s Trip, Pond, and the Ramones.
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of How To Clean Everything, Fat Wreck Chords is reissuing the “seminal” punk LP from Winnipeg’s Propagandhi on August 20th. The reissue includes all the original tracks, remastered, as well as three tracks cut from the album by Fat Mike, and a “long lost” four song demo. Also available, as a bundle or on its own, is a complete guitar and bass tablature book, compiled by Propagandhi’s Chris Hannah himself. As pre-orders of the reissue are (ostensibly) rolling off the shelves, Stylus sat down with Hannah over local beverages at Cousin’s on a hot July day to discuss the ins and outs of reissuing a piece of work you’d rather forget existed, and what’s up on the Propagandhi front moving forward. Continue reading “Propagandhi :: How to Clean Everything can almost buy itself a beer in the States!”