Station News rss

  • It’s Time for Fundrive 2015 - February 6-13th

    Posted by Rob on February 6th, 2015

    Help us reach our goal of $60,000 pledged during our week long Fundrive! Donate with your credit card online at or call our phone operators at 204-774-6877.

    Thanks to your support last year we were able to eliminate paid advertising on CKUW. This year we want to build on that success and keep improving the radio and services you get from CKUW. Tune in all week to catch amazing special programming, including one-of-a-kind live performances and unique community radio moments.

    If you prefer to donate in person, come down to the U of W bookstore in the AnX building on Colony. Donors can claim a Fundrive thank-you gift or tax receipt from the University of Winnipeg Foundation. Pledging is quick and easy, call us to find out what you can do to support independent community radio in Winnipeg!

    Watch for our VU meter climb through the week: VU Meter at Zero

  • Tune In, Get Excited

    Posted by Robin on February 3rd, 2015

    We’ve added these new shows to our schedule! Show your support by pledging to their program during Fundrive – February 6-13.

  • Fundrive 2015 - Feb 6-13th

    Posted by Rob on January 28th, 2015

    Friday February 6th at 3pm is the kick off of our annual Fundrive campaign. Fundrive is the time of year where we ask listeners to directly support the operation of CKUW with pledges and donations. CKUW doesn’t receive any money from advertisers, the university or government and we need listener donations to keep us on the air.

    Our goal is $60,000. You can donate today online at or call in to 204-774-6877 during the Fundrive week to support your favourite shows.

    Follow us on Twitter or Facebook for Fundrive updates and tune in for our most amazing week of community radio!

  • CKUW is now live in the the Hive

    Posted by Rob on January 7th, 2015

    This week CKUW returned to regular broadcasting on campus in the Lockhart Hall Hive. U of W alumni will remember the hive as the ‘fishbowl’ smoking lounge on the first floor of Lockhart Hall, CKUW’s main broadcast area from 1968-98. Closed for several years, the UWSA undertook renovations and re-opened the room this fall.

    Although our studios have never left U of W it’s been nearly 17 years since we shut off our closed circuit speakers and leapt to the FM dial. Thank you to the UWSA and Ted Turner who ensured that CKUW would return to our ancestral home on campus.

  • Ad Free Anniversary

    Posted by Rob on December 19th, 2014

    Thanks to your support at last years Fundrive, CKUW has been completely Ad-Free for the last 6 months!

    We hope you have been enjoying the new sound of our station uninterrupted by commercial announcements. We still air public service messages and event announcements but we no longer accept money to promote services or events! Everything you hear on CKUW is the product of our volunteers interests and enthusiasm to share.

    If you want to promote your community event or service as a PSA, please send the details to [email protected] and we’ll get your information in our events guide.