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  • Fundrive 2014 day 3

    Posted by Robin on February 9th, 2014

    Fundrive is rolling along with special programming and listeners like you calling in pledges of support. Thank you!

    Our goal is to raise $60,000 by this Friday, February 14. That’s a lot of money! So, we’ve broken it down and given ourselves daily goals that are a little more tangible. Today’s pledge goal is $6,500 and we’ve had $2,120 come in so far. To meet today’s goal, which will help us meet our ultimate goal, we need your pledge – now.

    Phone operators are standing by to help you make your gift to CKUW, your community access radio station downtown. Call 204-774-6877 or online at

  • Fundrive 2014 day 2

    Posted by Rob on February 8th, 2014

    We are off to a great start for Fundrive 2014 with more than $7,000 pledged so far.

    Our annual listener driven radio campaign continues until Friday February 14th so there’s still a lot of amazing radio to come. Our goal is $60,000 in listener donations, if you help us reach our goal we will cease airing paid advertising. It’s a radical proposal that we hope you’ll support.

    Call now 204-774-6877 or pledge online at

  • Fundrive 2014 Live 24/7 until February 14th

    Posted by Rob on February 7th, 2014

    Our goal is $60,000 in listener support during our week long Fundrive! You can donate online at or call our phone operators at 204-774-6877.

    This year, if we reach our goal we will eliminate paid commercials from CKUW. We hope that every listener will support our dream of a stronger, independent voice in downtown Winnipeg. Our volunteers have planned special programming, so tune in to expect one-of-a-kind live performances and amazing radio moments.

    Donations can also be made in person at the U of W bookstore in the AnX building (formerly the downtown bus station). Once again, donors can claim a Fundrive thank-you gift or tax receipt from the University of Winnipeg Foundation and there are lots of opportunities to earn prizes or exclusive 2014 CKUW gear.

    Tune in, pledge and help us reach our goal this week!

  • Fundrive 2014 begins Friday February 7th.

    Posted by Rob on January 24th, 2014

    Join us February 7th – 14th for CKUW’s annual listener driven radio campaign – Fundrive!

    Our goal this year is $60,000 in community pledges and we are making a very special promise to you: If we reach our goal, CKUW will no longer air paid advertising.

    Your support will free us from commercial obligations, opening up even more opportunity for creative and exciting radio. Please think about what an independent station like CKUW means to you and help us reach our goal.

  • Our Mission

    Posted by Rob on January 13th, 2014

    To usher in the next 50 years of CKUW our membership has created a new mission and vision statement to direct our efforts.

    Mission: To engage the campus and community through radio.
    Vision: A radio-driven campus and community.

    We invite you stay tuned and engage with us in 2014!