Station News rss

  • 2000 and Counting Blog

    Posted by Rob on September 27th, 2006

    The lively folks at 2000 and counting have set up a blog to share ideas and communicate about their show. You can find it here:

    As always you can tune in live to their program Tuesadays at 3pm and the rebroadcast on Thursday mornings.

  • Dig Your Roots

    Posted by Rob on September 22nd, 2006

    The NCRA’s Dig Your Roots project is now on Myspace.

    Dig Your Roots is a Canadian Talent Development project supported by Corus Entertainment and the NCRA. You can find out more at

  • Live stream is up!

    Posted by Rob on September 14th, 2006

    We have restored the live mp3 radio stream.

    I apologize for the delay in getting it working I know a lot of people have come to depend on listening to CKUW on the net. Old bookmarks should work fine or you can copy & paste this address:

    Thank you for your patience dear listener!

  • Hip Rock Ninjas Conquer the Rock!

    Posted by Rob on September 8th, 2006

    For the third year running CKUW’s fab ‘Hip-Rock-Ninjas’ entered the annual U of W rock climb.

    Sadly, the Ninjas couldn’t pull a win out of their shinobi shozoku but it was a fine day and they did look great. You can follow their climb attempt through our photos page at flickr: CKUW Photo Album

  • Welcome to CKUW’s New Program Director!!

    Posted by Rob on September 5th, 2006

    Robin Eriksson has joined the CKUW staff as Program Director. Robin is hard at work learning how the station works and meeting all the wonderful volunteers and listeners who make up our community.

    We wish outgoing PD Art Ladd the best of luck in University this year, Art can still be heard programming ‘Morning Mattress Dancers’ Fridays 6am-8am.

    To contact Robin, call the office line at (204) 786-9782 or email her Robin