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Sixty Stories Reunion show

Posted by Rob on November 18th, 2006

Back by tepid demand!!!! Sixty Stories is back Dec 1st at the Albert. Smallman Records hard-pop trio Sixty Stories is reuniting for a European tour this Christmas. The band called it quits May 2004 after four years of hard touring, two releases, and tremendous success in Europe. Since that time Jo Snyder (guitar and vocals) and Paul Furgale (drums and computer programming) were finally able to finish the University degrees their mother’s had been bugging them about for so, so many years. With reasonable demand from their European label, The Company with the Golden Arm, Snyder and Furgale along with bassist Sarah Sangster agreed to a Christmas time reunion tour. The trio welcomes second guitarist Andrew Filyk (Anthem Red, This Time I’m God) to compete with the computer for who can play the keyboard parts better. Anthem Red, the often-confusing name of the follow up band founded by Snyder and Sangster in October 2004, will tour European preceding Sixty Stories. Anthem Red has just released their debut full length “Dancing on the Dishwasher” on The Company with the Golden Arm. The bands will be on tour December 6 2006 – Janurary 2 2007. For pics, songs and other jibber jabber go here.

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