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  • CKUW Shortcuts

    Posted by Rob on February 28th, 2012

    There is a lot of great content here on and to help you find it faster, here is a list of web shortcuts to useful parts of our website. Bookmark & enjoy:

  • Thank you Winnipeg!

    Posted by Rob on February 24th, 2012

    The pledges continue to come in for CKUW! If you were away or forgot to pledge you can still do so in person at the U of W Info Booth or online at

    Tim is at the Info Booth to receive your pledges from 10am – 6pm Monday to Friday. The Info Booth is on the first floor of Centennial Hall at the U of W.

    Thanks again to all who have supported us, we will use your donations to help make CKUW the best radio station in Winnipeg!

  • We did it together!

    Posted by Rob on February 17th, 2012

    Thank you to everyone who pledged to CKUW over the last week. More than 800 donors combined to pledge $53,424 for Listener Driven Radio.

    The Info Booth at U of W will re-open on Tuesday to receive payments

    We also need to thank all our amazing friends in the community who contributed food or prizes for this Fundrive, we can’t do this without you!

    Booster Juice
    Jonnies Sticky Buns
    Casa Burrito
    Extreme Pita
    Duckworth Cafe & Eatery
    Pizza Pizza
    Elements Cafe
    The Lo Pub Bistro
    Organic Planet
    The UWSA ( Soma providing coffee?)
    The Lo Pub
    Half Pints Brewing Co
    Stu Art
    The West End Cultural Centre
    Winnipeg Folk Fest
    Jazz Winnipeg
    Copy Plus
    Guppy Design
    Kustom Kulture
    The Rudolf Rocker
    Natural Cycle
    Disintegration Records
    I’m Trying Records
    The Winnipeg Film Group / Cinematheque
    & All the record labels & distributors ( far too many to list) that so generously donated pledge incentives

  • Final hours of Fundrive 2012

    Posted by Rob on February 17th, 2012

    The clock is running down on Fundrive for 2012. We’ve hit $48,709 as of 1pm, so we’ll need another $5,000 minimum to hit our goal of $53,000.

    Please pledge now at or by phone at (204)-774-6877

    Thank you to all who have donated so far, we appreciate the support!

  • Fundrive home stretch update

    Posted by Rob on February 16th, 2012

    Fundrive pledges have just passed $42,000 as of 8:45pm.

    We’re still more than $10,000 from our goal of $53,00 so don’t stop pledging we have less than 20 hours left! Call 204-774-6877 or donate online at

    Your pledge supports our independent alternative radio station and all the amazing programs that we do. Call now!