Station News rss

  • And the Award goes to…

    Posted by Robin on May 7th, 2012

    On Saturday, we hosted our 6th Annual Volunteer Recognition & Listener Appreciation Party. It was a great opportunity to reflect upon and celebrate the excellent programming on CKUW over the past year. Thanks to everyone who came out and congratulations to the awards winners!

    People’s Choice Awards:

    Best of CKUW:

    • Spoken Word Show: Warning Shots
    • Music (Core) Show: Shop Worn Angel
    • Music (Specialty) Show: Voyage
    • Rookie of the Year: Ify Idigbe, co-host on People of Interest
    • Behind the Scenes / Keener: Rob Friesen, music department volunteer who is digitizing local cassette tape archive
    • Community Engagement: Mud & Water
    • Music Department Award: Colin Smith, music librarian extraordinaire

  • Schedule Changes

    Posted by Robin on May 2nd, 2012

    Heads up! One of your favourite CKUW programs may have changed times. Effective immediately, this is when you’ll hear the following shows now.
    Queer in Your Ear will be heard Tuesday mornings at 10:30am creating a nice block of queer programming with This Way Out.
    Making Contact finds a new home Mondays at 1:30pm after the Shortwave Report making a nice hour block of public affairs programming.
    Destination Moon will follow The Tonic at 9pm for a rockin’ music-filled Monday night.
    And finally, CineFlyer moves to Mondays at 10:30pm adding its angle on local arts and culture.


    Posted by Rob on April 23rd, 2012

    It’s time for a ‘Work It Out Radio’ Contest! You can win a fabulous limited edition retro-look Work It Out t-shirt!

    Send in you in your best picture of you with your craziest Work It Out Warrior gear. The first five entries are guaranteed a prize, the remainder will be judged by our expert Warrior panel. Prizes include amazing limited edition Work It Out Radio T-Shirts, Wesmen Gear and more.

    The winners pictures will be announced on and posted online!

    Send your pics to [email protected]

  • Have You Heard?

    Posted by Robin on April 11th, 2012

    CKUW has 2 new shows! They both started last week, Tuesday, April 3rd to be exact. At the End of The Day is a light-hearted entertainment (talk radio) show that features two female co-hosts informally discussing local happenings and events in Winnipeg’s arts & cultural scenes. Their discussions have a particular emphasis on women’s contributions to local, Canadian and global arts & pop culture. The second one is Adam Fuhr’s Got Issues and is a documentation of a lonely man’s attempt at radio stardom. Listeners can tune in weekly to hear as things fall apart.

  • Stylus Magazine, pick up your copy!

    Posted by Rob on March 13th, 2012

    Founded in 1989 Stylus magazine serves as the program guide to CKUW. Stylus is a free publication available at the U of W and around Winnipeg. The magazine is a vehicle for new writers, photographers and artists supporting the myriad musical communities in Winnipeg and the surrounding area.

    The current issue features interviews with Grimes, John K Samson and Royal Canoe among others. You can catch up with Stylus online at the links below or grab a hard copy* (*best option).