Station News rss

  • Work It Out Radio joins the schedule

    Posted by Rob on January 3rd, 2012

    Work It Out Radio is an entertaining exercise radio series airing Tuesdays & Thursdays at 7:30am & 7:30pm.

    Utilizing the facilities and expertise from the University of Winnipeg Wesmen Athletics Program, Work It Out Radio features fun, simple, concise workout routines that one can do from their very own home. This fast paced 10-minute exercise program features hosts Stefanie Rempel (BA-Kin, CSEP-CPT) and Brent Lohmer (BA-Kin CSEP-CPT) taking listeners though a warm up routine, an exercise, a relaxation movement along with healthy living information and nutritional tips.

    At users can listen to each episode, check out videos of exercise demos, get to know the work it out warriors, get expert advice from personal trainers, enter contests and more.

    CKUW 95.9 FM recognizes the financial support of Astral Media and Community Radio Fund of Canada in the creation of Work it out Radio.

    This year make the MAKE THE RESOLUTION TO LISTEN!

  • Nearly ready to Work It Out?

    Posted by Rob on December 27th, 2011

    CKUW’s newest show Work It Out starts airing on January 3rd. This exciting program was created from a listeners suggestion that we have an exercise radio program. Thanks to the Community radio Fund of Canada we were able to hire pros to Work It Out for you!

    Tune in Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:30am & 7:30pm for a fast paced workout, exercise and healthy living tips. You can listen to the shows through the Work It Out website and watch video demonstrations of each weeks featured exercise.

    We’re not the only ones on a fitness kick, check out the video of indie darling Bon Iver and his own work out routine!

    On the road DVD Trailer from Rogcity Fitness on Vimeo.

  • CKUW’s Local Music Gift Guide

    Posted by Rob on December 20th, 2011

    You need to look no further than this weeks top 30 chart to pick out a great gift for a music lover. Seven of the top ten spots are held by local musicians! Here’s a rundown of whats what:

    Four of the seven locals are from the Transistor 66 label. Known mainly for quality punk & roots, Transistor 66 has a diverse roster of artists including:

    The Cannon Bros are on the fledgeling local Disintegration records label.

    Eat ‘Em Up records is home to some of Winnipegs toughest punk acts – so tough that you cant find them on the Internet!! #7 on this weeks chart is Rock Lake

    • Rock Lake – psych/punk freakouts.

    Closing out this weeks local chart toppers is The Ripperz on the Newform label with their new album ‘You Are The Moon’

    • The Ripperz – anthemic and unapologetic sing along rock.

    Well there you go, seven great gift ideas. If that doesn’t cover your favourite music fiend then dig a little deeper in our charts for more great ideas. There is an abundance of great local music in Winnipeg.

    If you’re asking where can I get this stuff?? We recommend any of CKUW’s choice music retailers as found on our Friends of CKUW map

    • Into The Music
    • Music Trader
    • Planet of Sound
    • Sonus Musica
    • War on Music
    • Wild Planet
    • Winnipeg Folk Festival Music Store


    Happy holidays etc… from CKUW!!

  • One Mans Jazz closing up shop

    Posted by Rob on December 14th, 2011

    Moe Hogue has decided to retire from programming at CKUW.

    Moe’s show One Mans Jazz has been part of our schedule since our launch in 1999. In his more than 630 shows, Moe has covered a truly incredible range of jazz with a depth of knowledge and passion that really can’t be heard anywhere else. We are going to miss him!

    Make sure you catch the final episode airing Saturday December 31st starting at 1pm.

    Moe will continue blogging at and plans to return to radio on the Internet in the near future.

  • New Shows On-Air

    Posted by Robin on November 22nd, 2011

    CKUW 95.9 FM announces some exciting new additions to our broadcast schedule effective immediately. Here’s what’s new.

    New To You, Mondays from 3-4pm, is where you’ll hear Christian-oriented rock, pop and new wave.

    Tuesday/Wednesday overnight from midnight -2am, The Lyrical Lounge, is a hip-hop program that features a good dose of Canadian talent.

    On Thursday mornings from 10-11am you can tune into Highbrow Low Blows for an examination of cultural trends. Stay tuned in for current affairs and music delivered with a touch of humour and irreverence on Hot Flashes from 11am-noon. Between 1-2pm Thursdays, Radio Ecoshock will help build your awareness to environmental issues.

    Finally, The Crystal Palace will grace Saturday/Sunday overnight with good ol’ rock ‘n’ roll featuring plenty of local talent.