Station News rss

  • Campus Radio Research

    Posted by Robin on July 7th, 2011

    This week, CKUW was visited by Brian Fauteux, a PhD Candidate in Communications at Concordia University in Montreal. Brian is on a cross-Canada tour collecting interviews and other material to support his research on the “development of campus radio broadcasting in Canada, its current place in the Canadian media environment, and our understanding of its social and cultural contributions.”

    I didn’t ask how CKUW came to be one of three stations interviewed for his research – CHMA and CiTR are the others. In the current environment rife with new media, media consolidation and rumours that radio in general is a dying horse, I’m encouraged we are relevant enough to be researched and considered for our continued contribution to the cultural landscape.

  • Garageland Finale & Art City Parade

    Posted by Rob on June 21st, 2011

    This Saturday is our last episode of Garageland for 2011. Tune in at 8am for the fun hosted by CKUW’s news department.

    This Saturday is also the Art City Parade, a super fun event in our neighbourhood. Parade preparations begin at 1pm at Art City on Broadway and the parade starts marching at 2.

    This years theme, ‘Body Movin’ is about different ways bodies move, get around and do things. Body Movin’ features kinetic sculpture based art made by Art City participants with guest artists Chris Cooper, Asa Nodleman, The W.R.E.N.C.H., and dance moves taught by Loa Olafson and B-Boy Bob.

  • CKUW Returns from Halifax

    Posted by Robin on June 16th, 2011

    Last week, four CKUW programmers attended the National Campus and Community Radio Association annual conference. Hosted by our Dalhousie University sister station, CKDU 88.1 FM, the conference brought together community radio practitioners from across Canada to exchange ideas on grassroots media. Workshops covered production skills, media training, social and cultural issues awareness, technical radio know-how, community outreach and organization, and a variety of topics of value to Canada’s community radio workers and volunteers.

    One evening of the conference is always dedicated to celebrating excellence in community radio and various awards are given out. This year, CKUW received an Honourable Mention in the Community Development awards category for Bridging Cultures. Congratulations to the program’s host, Hilaire Ndyat!

  • Welcome News Director Michael Welch

    Posted by Rob on June 14th, 2011

    CKUW has hired Michael Welch to take over our news department. Michael has been a volunteer with CKUW for several years and is well known in the community.

    Michael starred in our radio drama, he hosts a Sunday show called Hear There Be Dragons and he has produced specials following the swine flu pandemic , the Veolia takeover of the Winnipeg water works and much more.

    Our local news coverage can be heard weekday mornings at 8am on the show People of Interest

    If you have a news story or want to get involved in our community news department you can contact Michael at 786-9998 / [email protected]

  • Radio Camp

    Posted by Rob on June 3rd, 2011

    CKUW’s Radio Camp is gearing up for this summer.

    Campers aged 10-13 will learn about radio and create their own shows. For the first time we are opening Radio Camp to youths outside our neighborhood. To reserve a spot, please go to the Radio Camp website , download and submit a registration form. Let us know if you have any questions, we’re very excited about this years camp!