Station News rss

  • Fare thee well!

    Posted by Rob on April 21st, 2011

    We say farewell this week to a couple of CKUW stalwarts. Our news Director Geoffrey Young (pictured) is ‘retiring’, expect him to surface in the Toronto area with more gonzo exploits ahead. Patrick Keenan is turning off the lights at Lets Go Jack, I’m Red Hot tune in for his final show this Saturday at 4pm. Garth Hardy has left Black Mask but you can still catch him on Mondays for Groundswell Radio

    Thank you to these guys for their many years of service and all the other great volunteers who make CKUW so amazak!

  • Record Store Day

    Posted by Rob on April 14th, 2011

    This Saturday April 16th is Record Store Day. Founded in 2007, Record Store Day offers a chance to patronize and celebrate our local music retailers. Like CKUW, your community record store is passionate about music and artists, new and old.

    We’re fortunate in Winnipeg to have several amazing stores full of great music and exceptionally knowledgeable staff. If you haven’t been to a record store for a while this is a great chance to have some fun exploring the shops around the city. Many stores will be having live performances and special sale offers. Local participating stores include:

    • Winnipeg Folk Festival Music Store*
    • Music Trader*
    • Planet of Sound*
    • Argy’s Collectables*
    • Into The Music*
    • War On Music *
    • Red River Book Store
    • McNally Robinson

    ‘*’ = Friend of CKUW

    Also – don’t forget our Pixies Contest , spot a Pixie at our ‘Friends’ stores and enter for your chance to win.

  • Check Out What’s New on CKUW

    Posted by Robin on April 7th, 2011

    I want to bring your attention to a few recent changes in CKUW’s Program Schedule. Most notably perhaps is that Shop Worn Angel has moved and can be heard live on Sundays 8-10pm. The Lyrical Lounge, the new Canadian hip hop program that was airing in that Sunday slot, will now be heard live on Wednesdays 10pm-midnight.

    We welcome Destination Moon, an eclectic sonic journey through lounge and novelty music on a theme, to Sundays 3-4pm and say good-bye to The Man Cave.

    Sell-Out Sounds (Fridays 2-3:30pm) changed its name to Mercy of Slumber. And, finally, at the end of this month, expect to satisfy your inner science geek with Suggestive Science, a spoken word show in development.

  • Cancon: Love/Hate?

    Posted by Rob on March 31st, 2011

    The CRTC is proposing a 5% increase in Cancon for community radio stations. What do you think? Does CKUW need more Cancon? More local music? We’re currently playing 35% Canadian Content between 6am and midnight and a good proportion of our chart is local. Is more better? We’d love to hear your thoughts, email us – [email protected] or comment directly to the CRTC.

  • CKUW Friends map updated

    Posted by Rob on March 16th, 2011

    We have updated our Google map of participating ‘Friends of CKUW’ businesses. Drop by these friendly locals and take advantage of the great deals with your ‘Friends Card’. To access the map or find out more follow the link: Friends of CKUW