Station News rss

  • Garageland starts tomorrow!

    Posted by Rob on May 25th, 2011

    Every Saturday in June, tune into CKUW for live garage sale radio. Starting at 8am, Our band of volunteers scours the city for the best (and worst) deals to be had though back yards and lawns all over Winnipeg.

    Register your sale now, follow the link and fill in our form:
    Garageland 2011

    Also, this Saturday is the Ellice St Festival. Come on down for free events all day long at the West End Cultural Centre!

  • And the Winner Is…

    Posted by Robin on May 20th, 2011

    Last night we held our 5th Annual Volunteer Recognition & Listener Appreciation Party. It was a great opportunity to reflect upon and celebrate the excellent programming on CKUW over the past year.

    In the 2011 People’s Choice Award category, the award recipients are:
    Favourite Spoken Word – ‘Peg City Groove
    Favourite Music Show – Phase One
    Favourite Radio Host – Joan Hreno from Sunnyroad
    Favourite Special Performance – Harry Chan DJ Set on Phase One

    In the 2011 Best of CKUW Award category, the award recipients are:
    Spoken Word Show – People of Interest
    Music Show (Core) – Sell-Out Sounds
    Music Show (Specialty) – The Mournin’ Shift
    Rookie of the Year – Scott Price
    Behind the Scenes/Keener Award – Michael Welch
    Community Engagement – Hilaire Ndyat host of Bridging Cultures
    Music Department Award – Akech Mayuom

    Congratulations goes out not only to last night’s Award winners but to all the volunteers at CKUW who continually produce noteworthy programs that keep independent media vital in Winnipeg.

    We also honoured Rockin’ Ronnie Lindsay for hosting Bluesday for the past 25 years on CKUW. Way to go, Ronnie!!

    Click here for more Awards pictures.

  • Say It, Sista! Seeks Contributors

    Posted by Robin on May 12th, 2011

    Say It, Sista! has been a staple on CKUW for feminist news and views, and as of July 1, the current hosts are moving on. Unless we find a few enthusiastic women to take on producing this program, we will lose the women-focused content this show brings to our airwaves.

    This is where you come in. If you appreciate the value of women’s space on the radio, please consider getting involved. We offer radio training and mentorship free of charge to students and members of the community. For more information contact Robin by phone at 786-9782 or email [email protected]

  • Sunday Changes

    Posted by Robin on April 28th, 2011

    As of May 1, I am excited to announce a couple of changes for the Sunday schedule.

    These Changing Times aims to bring awareness to the incredible, sustained and transformative changes of our times using astrology, a metaphorical and intuitive language to take people to a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. It will air 1:30-2pm after Planetary Radio.

    send + receive will start later but gain an extra half hour to broadcast from 2-4pm, and Destination Moon moves over to Monday nights (9:30-11pm) making for a solid evening of programming there.

  • Online Services

    Posted by Rob on April 27th, 2011

    Thanks to MTS and our friends at ParIT, we’ve recently improved online speed and reliability.

    If you encounter any problems with our archives or online stream please let us know by emailing [email protected] Provide as much detail as you can and we’ll troubleshoot the problem. The U of W doesn’t offer us any technical assistance; It is donor support and talented local programmers that keep up and online.

    Your feedback helps us figure out what people use and how we can do it better!