Bridging the Styx :: Music collective Styx City Cult talk Greek mythology, supporting local artists and creating a platform for the weird kids

styxcitycult. From left to right: 10kay, DIEmond, Phre$h Prince, lilnappyboi, STMBLZ, Ivan Silk, Yung Romello, drinkbleachh, Jesse Meush, SpaghKing, Thatcher Robinson and Yung Emerald. Not pictured: Postwar, Shea and TRRM.

Photos by Graeme  Houssin and J. De Castro

Words by Graeme Houssin

When rapper SpaghKing entered the Winnipeg scene, he found a city divided. Harsh lines separated genres, and “old hip hop heads” dominated the rap scene as arbiters of taste, only booking artists that conformed to their ideas of what rap could and must be. Continue reading “Bridging the Styx :: Music collective Styx City Cult talk Greek mythology, supporting local artists and creating a platform for the weird kids”

Girls Rock Winnipeg

by Olivia Michalczuk

I started drum lessons at 9 years old. I wanted to be like… well, I’m not sure who I wanted to be like. My parents listened to a healthy blend of local rock, classic hair metal, and 80’s pop. Hence, the women I looked up to in music were Whitney Houston, Heart, and the Spice Girls, none of which had a female drummer. Continue reading “Girls Rock Winnipeg”


By Margaret Banka

Weaves is a Juno- and Polaris-nominated indie-rock band based in Toronto and currently on tour for their second full-length album Wide Open, which was released in late 2017.  Stylus had the chance to catch up with vocalist and songwriter, Jasmyn Burke, to talk about being a female lead, a killer Canadian compilation, surprising inspiration for the next album, and Trump (but really only a little, we promise).  Don’t miss Weaves at the Good Will Social Club tonight, with locals Mise en Scene and Mulibrgub opening! Continue reading “WEAVES”