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  • Radio Society AGM - March 9th

    Posted by Rob on March 1st, 2021

    The Winnipeg Campus Community Radio Society Annual General Meeting is taking place March 9th @ 6:30pm via Google Meet

    Business to be discussed includes annual reports, board elections and approving the stations audit.

    If you are a member and wish to attend the meeting you must register in advance for the link – Register for AGM

  • Fundrive 2021, THANK YOU to our community!

    Posted by Rob on February 19th, 2021

    We are once again humbled by the support from our listening community. Thank you so much to all our donors, community partners and volunteers together we are creating an exciting future for CKUW.

    Our live on-air fundraising drive has ended and we remain several thousand dollars short of our final goal. If you forgot to donate or missed the drive, please make an online donation today through It’s not too late to get one of the beautiful 2021 supporter T-shirts, but we are ordering soon and time is running out.

    If you did make a donation and are eligible for incentive gifts (T-shirt, Bluetooth radio etc.) we are organizing curbside pickup in mid-March and we will be in touch soon to let you know the options. Once again we can’t tank you enough, stay tuned and tell a friend we’ve got lots of great radio to come in 2021.

  • We need your donation today to fund our 2021 operations

    Posted by Rob on February 16th, 2021

    We are now 2/3 of the way to our goal with $40,023 pledged to Fundrive 2021, thank you to everyone who has given so far.

    If you haven’t donated yet, please don’t wait. You count on us to be there for music, news and information and we count on you for one quarter of our budget. We need your donations to ensure that CKUW can have an easy recovery from the University lockdown and be ready to welcome volunteers back into our studios.

    A donation of $70 covers essential supplies like alcohol cleaner and microphone covers to keep everyone safe. You can split your pledge up over several months and we’ll thank you with the Friends card, 2021 T-shirt and a chance to win one of the many bonus music gifts from our partners in the music industry. Donate today at

    Your donations are well spent, we are an open and democratic non-profit, audited every year for the CRTC. If you have any questions about CKUW’s operation please get in touch, we want you to feel confident that your donation is supporting our volunteers and the community we reach through radio.

  • From our homes to yours!

    Posted by Rob on February 12th, 2021

    This year our volunteers had to adapt to broadcasting from home, we’re very proud of their efforts and now is the time to show your appreciation. Donations to CKUW help pay for things like a high speed Internet connection, computers to send and receive audio files, staff to assist volunteers and much more.

    A gift of $120 can be split up into monthly payments making it very easy to give at higher levels. At the $120 level you’ll receive the CKUW Bluetooth Radio or other great gifts of your choice. Alternatively you can request a tax receipt from the University of Winnipeg Foundation.

    We need every listener to contribute, our volunteers have put in extra effort this year and you can too! Go to our online donation page or give via EMT/etransfer or PayPal to [email protected]

    Thank you to everyone who has donated, we have hit $28,216 pledged to support your downtown community voice !

  • Take action! Give to CKUW today.

    Posted by Rob on February 8th, 2021

    At noon on Monday Feb 8th, we have counted $15,825 from 198 donors. Thanks so much to all who have donated but we need more listeners to commit! Our goal is $60,000 from 1000 listeners.

    25% of our funding comes from donations at Fundrive, without your support we will be forced to make budget cuts and compromise our service to you. Please help us out, call us at 204-774-6877 or donate online with a credit card Pledges of $35 or more are eligible for thank-you gifts from CKUW or tax-receipts from the University of Winnipeg Foundation.

    The CKUW Friends card is an excellent option for a $35 pledge. Using your card supports local businesses and shows that you care about democratic, independent media. Cards will be distributed by mail or curbside pickup in March, donate today to receive yours – Friends Card Donation -$35