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  • Support your Community Radio - Fundrive is underway!

    Posted by Rob on February 5th, 2021

    Your donations last year offered us stability and inspiration throughout the pandemic, and we appreciate your support every day.

    For the next two weeks we are again asking for your donations to enable another great year of community radio. We are very excited for the year ahead, our goal for 2021 is $60,000 in community support. Whether you tune in for inspiring music, community news or challenging opinions CKUW is here for you every day. Fundrive is when we need listeners to contribute back to keep us on-air and vibrant.

    Much of our programming is remote and pre-recorded this year and we are asking most donations to be given online at Staff will be answering the traditional pledge line (204-774-6877) from 8am-8pm every day if you have questions about Fundrive or the station in general.

    Thank you so much for listening, please help us out with a pledge!

  • Fundrive Art Reveal!

    Posted by Rob on January 29th, 2021

    Our Fundrive artist for 2021 is Sadie-Phoenix Lavoie. This years design depicts the February full moon, the Bald Eagle moon for Nehiyaw and Bear Moon for Anishinaabe.

    Sadie-Phoenix is Anishinaabe Two-Spirit from Sagkeeng First Nation located on Treaty 1 territory. They are currently the Community Coordinator at Wa Ni Ska Tan: An Alliance of Hydro-Impacted Communities, and Co-Founder of Red Rising Magazine, and former Youth Green Action Mentor with Youth Agencies Alliance. Sadie-Phoenix is a a well known community activist and we are honoured to have their original art on our T-shirts this year.

    CKUW shirts are only available at Fundrive as a special thank-you for donations of $70 or more. You can donate today at this link - GIVE NOW T-shirt curb-side pickup will be arranged in March.

    25% of CKUWs budget comes from listener donations at Fundrive. This year we are reaching for a goal of $60,000 from February 5th-19th. Please don’t wait, support your favourite shows by donating today.

  • Fundrive 2021 - February 5th - 19th

    Posted by Rob on January 21st, 2021

    CKUW is funded by students at the University of Winnipeg and listeners like you!

    Our annual fundraising campaign starts on February 5th and runs for two weeks. You can donate today at

    Every donation helps us continue our growth and develop programming unique to our community. Donations support staff salaries, equipment repairs and outreach beyond campus. Our online stream and archive system are paid for by listener donations.

    Gifts of $35 or more are eligible for unique thank you incentives from CKUW, show your pride in the station by wearing one of our hoodies ($160) or demonstrate your commitment to community by pledging for a monogamous FM radio ($500). If you aren’t interested in a gift, you can request a 2021 tax receipt from the University of Winnipeg Foundation.

    Please consider the value of CKUW in your life and plan your donation today. Thank you!

  • Holidays 2020

    Posted by Rob on December 24th, 2020

    The volunteers, board and staff of CKUW wish you a very happy holiday season and best wishes for the upcoming year. We’ll have lots of great local radio for most of the break thanks to our dedicated volunteer hosts. Thanks for choosing CKUW!

    Our office will be closed starting December 24th. We’ll be back to regular office hours on January 4th.

  • Letters - A Radio Play by Brian Langlotz

    Posted by Rob on November 9th, 2020

    Coming November 10th & 11th CKUW presents ‘Letters’ a Remembrance Day radio play tribute.

    Nov 10 – 1PM
    Nov 11 – 9pm

    Posters for Radio Play 'Letters'