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  • WAH?

    Posted by Rob on November 18th, 2006

    Recently Tawny sent this along. I think he’s upset about something but Like a David Lynch film I can’t figure it out. Maybe you will.

    I can’t take it anymore. Can someone please translate whatever message CKUW is trying to convey into something that I might better be able to understand, like Yiddish or that Bushman clicking language? As it stands, I have no idea whether CKUW is seriously claiming that it has the trappings of deity or if it’s simply the case that it is missing not only the point, but also the whole paradigm shift and huge sociological implications. The rest of this letter is focused exclusively on CKUW, not because I harbor any ill-will towards it but because I’m not a psychotic person. I’d like nothing more than to extend my hand in friendship to CKUW’s subordinates and convey my hope that in the days to come we can work together to speak up and speak out against CKUW. Unfortunately, knowing them, they’d rather organize a whispering campaign against me because that’s what CKUW wants. With all due respect, facts and their accuracy make a story, not the overdramatization of whatever CKUW dreams up. Sad, but true. And it’ll only get worse if CKUW finds a way to attack the critical realism and impassive objectivity that are the central epistemological foundations of the scientific worldview. I feel no shame in writing that I recently informed CKUW that its secret police grant a free ride to the undeserving. CKUW said it’d “look further into the matter.” Well, not too much further; after all, it justifies its plans to attack the fabric of this nation as “preemptive self-defense”. And let me tell you, it can’t possibly believe that its opinions are all sweetness and light. It’s juvenile, but it’s not that juvenile. While there are many revolting big-mouths, CKUW is the most stolid of the lot. CKUW accuses me of being drossy whenever I state that I have nothing more to say on that issue. Alright, I’ll admit that I have a sharp tongue and sometimes write with a bit of a poison pen but the fact remains that CKUW uses the word “theologicohistorical” without ever having taken the time to look it up in the dictionary. Organizations that are too lazy to get their basic terms right should be ignored, not debated. Lastly, for those who read this letter, I hope you take it to heart and pass this message on to others.

  • Making Radio Love to Ivan Hrvatska

    Posted by Rob on November 17th, 2006

    With the last minute cancellation of a new volunteer’s stepping stones show we had an extra hour to fill. Fortunately our good friend and Croatian sensation Ivan Hrvatska spoke to us from his cousin’s place in Vancouver. Ivan’s been busy promoting his latest song “Making Love to Grey Cup,“working in the studio with his party friends the Pavic Brothers, dancing and starting parties across North America. The interview is currently up for your listening pleasure, just go to the program schedule and download the November 17 stepping stones. You can also browse Ivan’s website at

  • Welcome to our Blog

    Posted by Rob on November 17th, 2006


    Welcome to the official CKUW blog. A place that will house the lame, the cool, the weird, the scary. A place where underground culture can thrive and make babies. Here’s hoping. If you’re a programmer or listener of CKUW and you want me to post your story, opinion, picture, recipe, weblinks, ect. Do not hesitate to email me at [email protected]. As a gesture of goodwill for you the people of the world I had plans to say hello in 800 different languages. But I got lazy. So here’s the webpage.

  • Dreamweapon Special, Nov 16—Midnight

    Posted by Rob on November 16th, 2006

    Ted Turner does his first Dreamweapon since his Syd Barrett tribute show in
    June this Thursday Night at Midnight on CKUW 95.9 FM, Turner promises “a

    Dreamweapon program description
    Dreamweapon archives

  • This week on 9 Villages

    Posted by Rob on November 13th, 2006

    “On thursday a 2pm central, 9 villages will air the original versions of Arch Oblers radio dramas Suffer Little Children (Katherine Hepburn) and Johnny Got His Gun (James Cagney). Despite the fact that these broadcasts are over 70 years old, they could have been written yesterday and by no means does their age in any way diminish their emotional impact. We GAY-RUN-TEE the most depressing hour of radio drama ever! Even worse that the average trainwreck that is 9 villages!”

    Nine Villages program description
    Nine Villages archive