Station News rss
Exciting & New

Joke’s on You, our local stand-up comedy show, has expanded into an hour-long time slot with the last 15 minutes playing host to A Grind Declaration of Core, the quirky new bridge between comedy and heavy metal music.
Printed Circuit features the culture, creation and music of Chiptunes which is synthesized music created using the sound chips of video games.
Warning Shots has taken the place of Radio Free World but it still delivers international news with alternative flare.
Programming on Saturdays has changed the most starting with Family Matters, a syndicated spoken word program on parenting. Alternating with The Electric Chair every other Saturday, you can tune into Eclectica for a mix of folk, rock and indie music. The Trip will no doubt please the psych rock crowd as much as Like Fire in My Bones might satisfy that yen to hear something spiritual.
Finally, Canadian Dimension’s Alert! Radio is back on-air Sundays bringing you leading-edge information by way of interview, commentary and profiles.