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Final Airing of The Invention and Conclusion of the Eye airs this Sunday!

Posted by CKUW PD on August 30th, 2017

The final airing of The Invention and Conclusion of the Eye airs this Sunday from 11 – 11:40 AM!

As part of Plug In ICA’s STAGES: Drawing the Curtain, a series of temporary public sculptures & performances, The Invention and Conclusion of the Eye is an original audio drama from Toril Johannessen. The Invention is a multi-channel piece which takes a sci-fi look at the future of human vision. The story is told through a single protagonist who depicts visions as a historical construct further developed through technology, and posits a future where the way we see becomes closer to the original definition of vision as describing the formation of mental images. Learn more here.

The work can be experienced live daily from 12-6 (plays on the hour every hour) at the Hudson’s Bay Building, 4th floor. 450 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB.

Photo: Toril Johannessen, The Invention and Conclusion of the Eye, installation view

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