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Fundrive Update

Thank you for the support! We have received over $4,600 in pledges towards this years goal of $53,000. Your donations ensure that CKUW remains an independent voice in your community.
This year we have changed the location for pledge payment and pick-up. Tim will be at the U of W Bookstore in the AnX building (formerly the downtown bus station) to take your donations. The bookstore is open 9:30 – 5 weekdays and 10-4 on weekends. Free parking for pledge pick up is available off of Colony or you can park at the meters on Balmoral.
Bookstore location on Google Maps
Why Kazoos?
This year every paid pledge will receive a celebratory 50th anniversary kazoo while supplies last. Join us in making wonderful noise to celebrate 50 years of community radio at the University of Winnipeg!