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New Shows On-Air

I have a couple of new shows to bring your attention to:
Family Matters airs Saturday mornings from 8-9 and features discussion on supportive parenting practices, communication, and culture in the context of conventional and unconventional families.
The Trip broadcasts Saturday afternoons from 4-6, and your host, Dave Ferguson, will re-introduce you to forgotten classic rock/psychedelic tracks as well as a healthy dose of jam/stoner and new psych rock.
There are also a couple shows that have been approved to go air but as yet unnamed. One airs Wednesdays from 10pm-midnight and explores the musical world of Chiptunes. Another one airs Saturdays from 6-8pm and features music with a message of faith.
Remember our schedule is always changing and that you can listen to all your favourite shows on-line or get them as a podcast.