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Put the ‘yoU’ in CKUW!!

Posted by Rob on February 14th, 2018

Listeners: We are falling short of our Fundrive goal this year and we need your help. If you have already donated, thank you so much. If you haven’t yet made a contribution please do so now, call 204-774-6877 or donate securely online at

We work hard to bring you uncompromising, ad-free radio but without your donation our budget will be under tremendous strain. We know you want us to maintain our radio and we will do a lot with your dollars, so make a contribution today.

If you have donated and want yo get your T-shirt or other incentives, come to our Pledge Desk at the UW bookstore. The Pledge Desk is open 8:30am-5pm Feb 15-16 and again next week Tuesday to Thursday. We will be open until mid March and you can pledge in person.

« We need your help, our goal is $65,000

Fundrive home stretch! »