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We’ve Hit $10,000 !!

Posted by Robin on February 10th, 2013

We’re pretty excited to have had $10, 000 pledged so far but we’re still a long ways from our goal of $53, 000. You can show your support for community radio in Winnipeg by calling in now – 204-774-6877. Phone operators are standing by and can help you decide what level to donate at by letting you know about all the great incentives we have.

Please note that pledge payments and incentive pick ups have moved to the UW Bookstore in the AnX, the old Greyhound Bus terminal. Their hours are 9:30am – 5pm weekdays and 10am – 4pm on Saturday. Free parking for pledge pick up is available off Colony or you can park at the meters on Balmoral.

UW Bookstore location on Google Maps

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